Random Thursday ;)

Posted on | Thursday, July 17, 2008 | 5 Comments

What the heck is this mess, you ask yourself? No laughing as I invested a bit of time into it, but it is a supposed to be a frog's sanctuary. Okay, I'm a dork, I know! So a few weeks ago while driving, my hubby found a pond with a ton of tadpoles on the side of the road and he brought one home. You can see it in a previous post in a glass vase. Well, the time came to let "Frogger 2" go. I know, super creative name, yes? I got Matt a little itty bitty frog for our aquarium last year, aptly named Frogger... so the new one became "2". I actually tried to keep him longer and tried feeding him nightcrawlers, but he was more freaked out by them than anything else. I had a brilliant idea to make a little pond with a rock to perch on and a little house so that he would stick around and eat bugs for us - organic bug killer! I had read somewhere that pots turned over make great houses for frogs and if you speckle them around your yard, they'll live in them during the day. I had Matt punch out a hole in one of our pots to complete our frog's sanctuary. We had him in the makeshift pond with a lid over it overnight so he'd get acquainted with it and his new surroundings. The next morning we popped the lid off and let him be. After I finished shipments and went out for a look-see, he was gone. Actually, it's as if he couldn't get away faster. Hahaha! Oh well. *sigh* I thought his "home" was pretty wicked.

And a few pictures of the garden:


5 Responses to “Random Thursday ;)”

  1. Anonymous
    July 17, 2008 at 12:28 PM

    awesome! I've been known to take home a critter or two. You should leave the sanctuary up. He may be off telling his buddies. :)

  2. Anonymous
    July 17, 2008 at 8:37 PM

    awww... i love your little frong sanctuary, i am sorry to hear the little guy didn't stick around long enough to enjoy it. i just stumbled across your work on ETSY and must say that i adore your pieces. i will be sure to set up a link to your work on my blog and point my brides to your site as well. i'll be checking back to see if you have just some pieces for sale that aren't reserved, though i am already married, they are just so beautiful :)best of luck and success!

    ps. should any of my brides wear one of your designs i will be sure to send you pictures :)

  3. Noaki Jewelry
    July 18, 2008 at 3:51 AM

    I LOVE it!! Our turtle did the same thing. They're so slow you'd think we would've found him by now but he completely disappeared. We use little trays of beer in our veggie garden -- really helps with the slugs and snails if you want to stay away from pesticides.

  4. Anonymous
    July 21, 2008 at 1:57 PM

    Cool. It's so fun to see what hangs around the garden and the pond. I'll dig in little 4" trays and fill with water~ for the toads to cool off in (I heard they like that anyways). And, I love bringing in, hatching, feeding and setting free monarchs. Amazes me more than the kids :)
    Best, Heidi

  5. Myra - twigs and honey
    July 24, 2008 at 1:25 AM

    Sierra, Sarah, Noaki, and Heidi!

    Thank you so much for your encouraging comments!

    Alas, I have yet to see our "frogger 2". So sad. I did keep up his "pad" and it's still open for him. We shall see if he ever finds his way home.

    Noaki: I've heard about the beer thing! I think I'm going to try that now! Isn't the thought of it so sad? hahaha... slugs drawn to their watery death by beer!

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