Attn: kiss the groom blog readers! 25% off Twigs & Honey all weekend!

Posted on | Friday, February 5, 2010 | 1 Comment

I've been wandering over to kiss the groom blog throughout the day and have loved all the beautiful comments for the giveaway. I know it is going to be tough for Elizabeth to pick just one! So as a thank you to everyone, I'm offering a 25% discount on all items in my online shop from now through this weekend only. The discount is only for my online shop items and excludes Etsy and custom orders at this time.

Go HERE to visit the Twigs & Honey online shop (
Enter discount code at checkout: kisses

Thank you!!!!!!


One Response to “Attn: kiss the groom blog readers! 25% off Twigs & Honey all weekend!”

  1. tinypaperheart
    February 5, 2010 at 5:30 PM

    your head pieces are beautiful.

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