New Website!

Posted on | Monday, December 13, 2010 | 4 Comments

I hadn't done a major official website redesign in what feels like ages, so in my "spare" time, I finally got a new website up and running. :) The nice thing about the new site is that it combines my official site with my new online store in one place. You can also combine your Twigs & Honey accessory order with a Twigscent order. Yay! So be sure to visit the NEW!


4 Responses to “New Website!”

  1. Megan
    December 13, 2010 at 2:53 PM

    Love the new website Myra <3 Congrats!

  2. Freck
    December 13, 2010 at 5:23 PM

    LOVE the new header! It's beautiful!!!!

  3. Michelle
    December 14, 2010 at 6:59 AM

    Awesome! Many Congrats, it looks fantastic!

  4. Urban Weeds
    January 14, 2011 at 8:06 PM

    Love the new site!!!! I just found it! How exciting. Hug.

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