Diana mini camera :: 35 mm film

Posted on | Monday, July 19, 2010 | 3 Comments

A few moons ago, my big sis, Amy, got this nifty Diana Mini camera for me. I'm finally kind of getting the hang of it. It's a little tricky but definitely fun when you get it to work properly. It shoots half frames and square frames from 35mm film. You can do double exposures too. I "wasted" about 2 rolls trying to figure it out with only a few salvageable shots, but the last roll didn't turn out half bad. I was a little sad though, because the film kept advancing but it wasn't actually taking shots toward the end, and I had Amy take some shots at a recent shoot and only 1 image was really taken (boo! but I need to figure out what went wrong). Anyhow, some of the images that did develop were from a hiking trip Matt and I took to Silver Falls a month or two ago. Here are some results:







Last one taken by Amy from the shoot.
Aw~ 35mm film - so vintage 90s, haha! It is quick to take photos, but it doesn't speed up my procrastinating when it comes to getting the film developed!


3 Responses to “Diana mini camera :: 35 mm film”

  1. Unknown
    July 19, 2010 at 7:28 PM

    Aww poo... all those photos I thought I was taking. I was like... "these are going to be amazing" and only 1 turned out?! Waaah.

  2. Damselfly Studio
    July 20, 2010 at 9:37 PM

    Not to sound like an old f@rtress...but I started out with film in the early 70's using a camera that my Dad bought right after he got out of the Navy in 1946! It shot double frame! Much more recently, I remember being so thrilled when it became possible to get your prints back in ONE DAY, and then the next great innovation was having them available on a CD! Ah, the good old days. I think that old Nikon still has a roll of film in it. I probably should check.

  3. Myra - twigs and honey
    July 21, 2010 at 8:53 AM

    Amy: Right?!

    Damselfly Studio: haha! I love it! I really like the simple things that film can do. You should definitely check that old Nikon - it's like finding a hidden treasure if there is old film in it! :D

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