California and a haircut
Posted on | Wednesday, September 30, 2009 | 5 Comments
Matt and I are in Istanbul as I type. It's fairly early in the morning. So far, the trip has been wonderful! The only gripe would be the voltage conversion issues I've been having, but no other complaints! This is a quick post and I promise to have pictures of Turkey in the next post. I thought I should catch everyone up on the goings ons in M & M world. Last week, we went to Napa, San Francisco, Sacramento, and St Helena. Here are some photo highlights (oh! and many haircut pictures!)

Woodhouse... our favorite chocolates.

Break at the cafe for refreshments.

New short hair!

Lots of bounce!

It was hot in California... over 100 degrees! I was sweating!
More pictures to come!

Beautiful Cake Design :: Myriad Cake Design
Posted on | Thursday, September 24, 2009 | 5 Comments
Matt and I loved our wedding cake that was created by the talented Marion of Myriad Cake Design. She is incredibly talented and her cakes are the most delicious wedding cakes around. You know how wedding cakes can look beautiful but sometimes don't taste the greatest? Not Marion's cakes.... they are super moist and flavorful. Matt and I often try to think of reasons to have another one of her cakes created just so we can eat it again!
Marion works out of a lovely studio and kitchen a few blocks from our home, conveniently located near downtown Salem, Oregon. I was so excited when she asked me to create a cake topper for a gorgeous cake she was creating. It is a three tier cake with eyelet and ribbon details in the cutest color: white and yellow. The cake topper I created features two handmade silk flowers, millinery details and an angled birdcage veil. I just got a picture today:

Photo credits: Fred Molesworth of Encore Photography
If you are in the Salem, Oregon area today, stop on by her studio for their open house. I would be there if I wasn't traveling. Thank you, Marion!!

Custom Order Update
I apologize for not getting the last custom orders from the previous post listed or emailed. Matt and I were running super late after dropping off Indy with my parents and stopping by the post office... we nearly missed the flight by minutes. ALSO, you know how you always forget something on a trip? I forgot my CF card reader and data port cord so I can't get the photos off my camera! I need to find an electronics shop here in Napa... I will post pictures as soon as I can find one. Thank you for your patience!
So far, everything has been lovely! Matt is in a seminar here in Napa and I'll be working on this portion of our trip. We visited the old homestead in downtown Sacramento last night. Has anyone been to downtown Sacramento recently? We haven't been back here for 3 years and things are so similar yet so different. I cannot believe how many new restaurants there are. We ate at Zocalo for dinner... delish! After, we went to Yogurtagogo. Oh my goodness... this place wasn't here when we were living in Sac but if it had been, I would have gone everyday. It is so yummy! Highly recommended!
ALSO, I cut my hair again. It had grown so much since last time. I cut off around 7-10 inches! I will post pictures soon. I was ready for a change and I LOVE it! Bishops Barbershop in NW Portland is the best. VERY affordable... quick... walk-ins only... see Asmah. She is the sweetest and very talented. Pictures coming shortly.

Orders I'm working on right this moment....
Posted on | Tuesday, September 22, 2009 | No Comments
I'm leaving for Napa Valley tomorrow, but I'll still be shipping all remaining made to orders and custom orders tomorrow. I'll be back briefly for one day, this Sunday (September 27th), and will ship any custom or ready to ship pieces that are purchased from now until then. New made to orders will ship after I return the first week in October.
I should have these custom orders finished and listed tomorrow:
1. ashleyvernette
2. heatherpants
3. bel143
4. BarellaS.
5. HauteOffthePress
6. MariaF
7. zoyichka
I'm going to try to finish more while we are in Napa Valley the next few days and I'll post updates here.
Also this week, I'll be dropping new lovely pieces off to The English Dept. in Portland and the new San Antonio Bella Bridesmaid. Contact those locations for details.
Thank you so much for your patience!!!!

Two beautiful Twigs & Honey features!
The cats out of the bag... Twigs & Honey has a new collection (available online very soon!) and I am so giddy over the photos of the pieces by Elizabeth Messina. I've been on cloud 9 looking over the photos... each one is really a piece of art (no, literally! I was telling Matt how you could print any one of them out and frame it for lovely wall art). So dreamy. It was a HUGE amount of work and creative energy to complete the new collection and I thank everyone for their patience with me these last couple weeks! Especially, I'd like to thank Elizabeth Messina for her always, gorgeous photography. I also want to thank Kathryn of Snippet & Ink for this lovely inspiration board today that includes a Twigs & Honey piece:

And I want to thank Abby, of Style Me Pretty, for the beautiful posts on Twigs & Honey and the lovely words. You can view them HERE and HERE.

Mt. Angel Oktoberfest 2009
Posted on | Monday, September 21, 2009 | 2 Comments
Last year, when Matt and I went to the Mt. Angel Oktoberfest, we said that the next year we would eat even more... and I think we accomplished that goal. The food there is consistently delicious and was actually fantastic relative to a few duds in terms of food at events this past summer (carnival food is so hit and miss). We started out the weekend of food by heading over to Oktoberfest Friday night where we indulged ourselves with bratwurst and sauerkraut and then apple strudle for dessert. I didn't want to mess with taking night photos so no photos of Friday, but here are the Sunday highlights:

Watching the German dancing.

The baker's dance.

Posing in front of the Harvest Monument.

Checking out the arts and crafts booths... similar to last year's photo.

Tourist shot in front of the entrance.

First food stop on Sunday... baked potatoes with everything.

Next came the corn of the cob.

This was really delish, but I always hate how it gets stuck in your teeth. I forgot to take a photo, but it was accompanied by marionberry lemonade.

Matt got the marionberry pie with ice cream...

... and then strawberry shortcake with ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate, strawberries and a cherry.

We also ate some apple fritters...

...with mango lemonade.

A nice and enthusiastic couple took this lovely shot.

At the car show.... and who's in the backseat?

Dapper bunnies!

St. Mary Parish

Taking a little break.

I had to get a full length shot of this cute dress, which I snagged at Loyale's sample sale that I found out about through Unruly Things blog. And Joanna says it's the new trend... legs! This is paired with the Anthropologie Sandy Stretch Belt (I had to punch a new hole in it because the small was too big) and Me Too shoes.

Another shot of the hubby.

Sunset.... goodbye, Oktoberfest! Until next year...

Anyone going to Oktoberfest this weekend?
Posted on | Friday, September 18, 2009 | No Comments
Matt and I are planning to make a stop on Sunday (maybe today too) so we can eat way too much and soak in some sun... see you there (!

New pieces, vacation notice, and "other"
Posted on | Thursday, September 17, 2009 | 1 Comment
I listed a few new pieces total in my Etsy shop and online store. I'm so excited about these ones. I think they are lovely, lovely.

Twinkle. Similar to my New Year's piece last year.


Ivory Woodland
Matt and I will be leaving for Napa Valley on September 23rd next week and we'll be back on Saturday and then leaving for Istanbul on September 28th until October 5th. I'll be feverishly fulfilling orders and boutique orders until we leave. I'll ship all made to order pieces purchased through this Friday (September 18th) by September 23rd. Anything purchased after September 18th, I'll ship when I get back first week in October. Email with questions!
And just for some random "fun", here's what the family did last weekend. I just got some photos back that my sister sent me today. Be warned, we're a wacky bunch. My dad was an army ranger and trainer back during Vietnam and since he had two girls, we learned how to do "guy stuff". And boys will be boys:

Oh! Did I tell you that Matt got me a cotton shirt with "Mrs. Callan" type for our 2 year anniversary? The traditional gift is cotton.

I'm aiming the 223 here. Matt always makes fun of me because I like watching movies where girls kick butt. Have I mentioned, we also started taking Krav Maga this summer? Who would have guessed, yes?

We were shooting 22 and 223 rifles at 50 yards. I fired a shotgun for the first time and got the clay pigeon on the first pull. After the recoil knocked off my ear muffs, I decided to stick with the rifles.

Work can sometimes be really stressful. My dad has been target shooting for a long time and he always says it's a good way to release built up stress. You should try it sometime! It is quite the opposite of my day job. ;)

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Search This Blog
- California and a haircut
- Beautiful Cake Design :: Myriad Cake Design
- Custom Order Update
- Orders I'm working on right this moment....
- Two beautiful Twigs & Honey features!
- Mt. Angel Oktoberfest 2009
- Anyone going to Oktoberfest this weekend?
- New pieces, vacation notice, and "other"
- DIY Wedding Crafts Contest with Martha Stewart Wed...
- Twigs & Honey online store
- 2 year Anniversary :: Willamette Queen
- Quick update!
- One more sneak peak treat!
- 2010 Collection Preview
- Indy's Birthday :: Turning 1
- Happy 2 year anniversary to my loving husband!
- Stunning Oregon wedding :: via Style Me Pretty
- Oregon State Fair 2009
- One new piece in the Etsy shop today :: Waterfall
- Another sneak peak...
- Lovely colors