Puppy information

Posted on | Monday, December 22, 2008 | 2 Comments

Just a puppy update. I have had a few inquiries about Indy's breeder and here's her contact information if anyone is interested in a Siberian Husky in the future.

The breeder is Alice Watt and her website is www.Kossok.com. You can view all her dogs here. Alice is fantastic and has beautiful Huskies. We visited her kennel/home several times and she keeps the place very clean and all the dogs look very happy and healthy. She competes regularly and most of her dogs are champions. She has a few puppies remaining from the same litter as the one Indy was in. We could not be happier with Indy! She is wonderful! Siberian Huskies are beautiful dogs, but a word of caution to anyone interested. Though they are beautiful, they require a household who will walk/run them regularly as they have tons of energy. Huskies are also VERY smart... almost too smart. That said, they can have strong personalities and require either an experienced dog owner or someone who is willing to invest a large sum of their time training their husky pup early on. I am home all day everyday, so it has worked out perfectly for Matt, Indy, and I. She is around people all day, so she doesn't get bored. A bored husky can be a destructive and disobedient husky. With tons of energy, they need an outlet to release this energy. You must give them chew toys, but expect some of your belongings to become chew toys when you are not watching them. Because huskies are so pretty, you have to be careful with your husky as they are often stolen. Seriously! People love their look and theft is common. When I was growing up with a husky, someone attempted to steal him by dragging him into a car on the side of the road. He refused... thankfully!

Some of the benefits of owning a husky: No "doggie" odor. Indy never smells, even when wet (you all know what a typical wet dog smells like). Huskies don't shed much during most of the year if you regularly groom them BUT they shed a ton about twice a year when they blow out their undercoats (you only need to bathe a husky a handful of times a year as they are fastidiously clean). Huskies are very clever and hilarious and you will always have fun with them. Huskies are also great with everyone, even kids and babies if you socialize them well early on... they are a happy breed, but do not make good guard dogs as they love everyone. Indy is a sponge and super quick to learn. The one thing is that huskies get bored easily if not challenged, and will sometimes choose when they want to perform tricks.

Overall, we are 100% satisfied with Indy and her progress. She is a total goof and so much fun to play with. I hope this post is helpful! Please email me at info@twigsandhoney.com if you would like more information on this fabulous breed of dog.

Winter blizzard :: Brrrr...


I am sure many of you have heard of the crazy Oregon weather, but it has really hit Salem, OR hard as of late. Yesterday, there was about 6 inches of snow on the ground and then it rained, and then it froze to make lovely ice. Yay! Not really. In the evening yesterday, Matt and I were bundled on the sofa and saw a huge explosion outside, only meters from our house. The transformer right outside our house exploded! Seriously! I saw the dark sky light up and felt a huge jolt in my chest. PLUS, it sounded like a rifle being shot off next to my ear. Craziness. I called the electricity company and apparently this is happening all over Salem. The transformers cannot handle the ice and they are just spontaneously exploding. As of a minute ago, over 50,000 people are without electricity. We are still without power. Yesterday night, we lit tons of candles and hunkered down for the night. This morning, Matt took off for work and I bundled up. It is FREEZING in our house, literally!! I packed up my laptop, camera and phone and hiked to the nearest coffee house. It was like climbing Everest. A fresh new blanket of about 6 inches of snow came down early this morning and it wasn't just an easy walk in the snow. When your feet land on the ground, it first cuts through the snow, then hits a hard uneven layer of ice. No fun. Even if I wanted to drive anywhere (dangerous), I couldn't get into my frozen solid car! Here are some photo highlights.

Our snowed in home. Does it look cold? It is that cold inside!

My ice cube Volvo.

That would be my car's door handle, frozen solid. Right about now, I'm wishing I took out my umbrella previously!

My feet... buried.

Desolate streets.

"Mommy pleeeeease... let me play in the snow!" Here are some shots of Indy in doggie heaven. Oh, this was last week, before the lovely powder snow turned to crunchy ice... back when it was still fun.

Indy loved looking at her own paw prints in the snow.

Playing in the snow is tiring!

Chilly nose!


Regal pup.

Happy New Year! :: Winter celebration hair piece in the shop right now!

Posted on | Friday, December 19, 2008 | 4 Comments

Perfect for a New Year's Eve party, this lovely little number is also great for weddings or everyday. In my Etsy shop today. Enjoy!

Psst! :: New piece to be listed today

1 Comment

In the holiday spirit, I whipped up a lovely piece that I'll post about later today (it's late right now!) and I'll list sometime in the early afternoon in my Etsy shop. It is winter-inspired and a perfect topper for New Year's (hint, hint).

Also, just wanted to say thank you to all the wonderful comments on the previous post on bouquets. The sweater I am wearing was from Anthropologie and the brand was Guinevere. I love that cardigan and originally purchased it for our engagement photos in 2007. The black tank is also from Anthropologie (summer 08)... and the skirt, Target! Mix and match high and low, right? Love it! I have such an addiction to Anthropologie. I need help. I try to counteract this addiction by balancing their pieces with good ole Target and eBay finds. Happy shopping!

Blast from the past... Spring of 2007
Photo credits: Paul Rich Studio

Seeing green

Posted on | Friday, December 12, 2008 | 14 Comments

Just thought that everyone needs to see these bouquets I made for a bridal party today... they took me all day today! So appreciate! Got it? ;)

They are for a wonderful Oregon wedding next month. The petals are silk organza and silk dupioni mixed with some sweat and tears. j/k

Sorry for the light posts! Also, SOOO sorry if I am taking a very long time to reply to emails/convos. These next few weeks are going to be a chaotic flurry. I have a ton of January wedding orders to fulfill and I have a few boutique orders coming soon too and I'll post details when they are ready to be shipped. I also somehow managed to squeeze in a few bigger creative projects that I hope to blog about soon!

ANYHOW... bouquets... dig it.

And their respective counterparts... for the boys.

And the daddy of Indy is (drum roll) ...

Posted on | Thursday, December 4, 2008 | 7 Comments

Vader (Int. Ch. Huskavarna's Dark Alliance)!

Okay, okay, so I've posted about Indy a ton already, but just another one, pretty please? Just hang in there with me... as Indy grows up, her puppy spell over me might wear off... might. Plus, they will solve the financial crisis according to Natalie Portman and Rashida Jones (You must watch this video if you haven't already).

Previously, Indy's breeder wasn't exactly sure which of her boys got lucky (read previous post), so she had the puppies DNA tested and the results are in. :)

So Indy's parents are Gypsy (Int. Ch. Zuska'z Kossok Gypsy Dancer) and Vader (Int. Ch. Huskavarna's Dark Alliance). Yes, both parents are International Champions... good genes... no wonder she is such a cutie pie! Or as quoted from Peonies and Polaroids blog, "the cutest damn puppy in the whole bloggy world..." Thank you so much for thinking so (you must click on the above link. She has the cutest bunnies!).

I joke to Matt that I'm going to make Indy a little star and get her an acting gig so she can pay her own way - work for her own kibble! Here's her growing list of tricks (I must brag always. Matt and I don't have kids yet so all the attention goes to Indy):
1. Sit
2. Down
3. Stay
4. Jump
5. Crawl
6. Play dead
7. Roll over
8. Shake both hands
9. Which one? (treat hidden in hand)
10. Learning to take a bow
11. Fetch
12. ?

Here are some photos of Indy's parents:

Pulling is in Indy's family. I aspire to teach her to pull too. She has a ton of energy and I think she would love to tug my groceries for me! ;)

Proud pop.

Another of Vader.

Gypsy in competition.

Another of Gypsy.

And just to make you vomit from utter cuteness:

Indy's many faces.




"I'm so fast!"


Sitting pretty.

"Food? Please??"

New piece in the Etsy shop :: Bridal headband


I just listed a lovely new piece in my Etsy shop! I think this is such an elegant piece and can be worn by a bride to a wedding or for a special occasion. Enjoy!

Twigs & Honey bride featured :: Congrats Stephanie!

Posted on | Tuesday, December 2, 2008 | 4 Comments

Congrats to Stephanie and her now hubby, Lee, on getting married recently AND for getting their wedding featured in Portland Bride & Groom's Winter 2008 issue, on newsstands now!

Stephanie looks radiant wearing her twigs & honey handmade headband. She is also wearing a gorgeous dress by Elizabeth Dye. The wedding took place in Oregon and it looks stunning! I actually got to do an in person handoff, and met one of Stephanie's bridesmaids. You can view the headband here. Thank you Stephanie and Lee for sharing your beautiful wedding to the rest of us!

I also finally updated the "Press" section on the official twigs & honey website, which I meant to do ages ago. :) Take a look here and go to "Press".

Photo credits: Portland Bride & Groom

Ages ago, I said I would post the pictures of our wedding that was also featured in Portland Bride & Groom magazine. I finally scanned the pages, so here they are! Enjoy!

Photo credits: Portland Bride & Groom

Thanksgiving recap


Matt and I spent Thanksgiving in Milwaukie and Hood River, Oregon this past holiday weekend. It was great to spend time with family and stuff our faces. Yes, food is a recurring theme in my blog posts. Love it!

At my parent's house, we had turkey and all the fixings plus some traditional Korean dishes. I loved all the leftovers I got to take home.

Indy celebrated her first Thanksgiving with us too and met my parent's pomeranian - this pom doesn't think she's a dog and threw a big fit at the sight of Indy. Nevermind that they were sporting matching holiday sweaters. ;)

Here are some pictures!:

Tons of yummy food, which means tons of leftovers!

Matt & Indy

Whoops! Looking the wrong way!

Matching sweaters!

Indy had the best time ever taunting my parent's pom. She liked to use her as a hurdle.

Indy really likes to be near feet.

"It's not easy being a dog... so tired."

The family.

Twigs & Honey products

Brand new! Myra Callan Bridal line

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